首都依客戶需求遴選優良保全公司提供社區安全維護服務。對於派駐保全人員的安全調查、工作紀錄、健康檢查嚴格篩選,以優良素質保全人員服務客戶並達到維護安心的居家環境 / 生活環境以及各活動空間。依照不同的客戶特性,授予相應需求的課程訓練,不定期舉辦相異產業特性實施差異訓練,重點案例檢討、值勤缺失檢討、緊急事故應變等,多方訓練以強化員工應變能力,提升安全維護的服務品質。職前教育時,加強對客戶之「主動」服務的熱忱,以客戶的出發點替其著想,優化服務品質。要求每日巡邏並詳細記錄工作日誌,保持警戒,時時用心觀察各區域的人事物狀況,以便在第一時間做出最正確的維護對策。
The Metropolis recruits excellent security companies to provide community safety maintenance services according to customer needs. Strict screening of safety of investigations, work records, and health checks of the security officers stationed on site, and if the security officers serve clients with excellent quality and achieve the maintenance of a safe home / living environment and various activity spaces. According to different clients’ demands, Metropolis will offer related in accordance with different industry characteristics to enhance the professionalism of the personnel, key case review, deficiency review, emergency response, etc., multi-orientations training to strengthen the resilience of employees, to improve the quality of safety maintenance services. Daily patrols and detailed records of work logs are required on every spot. A rigorous public safety surveillance system will be equipped in all sites. During pre-employment education, strengthen the enthusiasm for "active" service to clients, and optimize the quality of service based on the starting point of clients. It is required to patrol daily and record the work log in detail, maintain vigilance, and observe the situation of people and things in each area at all times, so as to make the most correct maintenance countermeasures in the first minute.